Hello, space cowboys and cowgirls!
The Major Update 0.70 is coming very soon, so it’s time to speak about the most interesting part—new quests which wait you in the game.
Hello, space cowboys and cowgirls!
The Major Update 0.70 is coming very soon, so it’s time to speak about the most interesting part—new quests which wait you in the game.
Hello, friends!
Before the Major Update 0.70 we would like to talk about the way we’ve made and remember how it all started.
Hello, folks!
Today we want to tell you about new music which we’ll add to the update 0.70. It’s written by Michal Cielecki, Krzysztof Wierzynkiewicz and Adam Scorupa. The latter is famous for his work on such games like The Witcher series, EVE Online, Call of Juarez, Painkiller, Ash of Gods: Redemption and many other projects.
Hello, space cowboys!
Today we want to tell you about the new animal we added to the game. We have already showed you our progress in our #devblog in Discord, but since that time plenty of work has been done.
Hello, friends! We are not only filling the game with interesting content, but also work on its look and feel. Additionally we removed some major problems which, according to your feedback, considerably spoiled the impression of the game. Telling you about every improvement step by step below.
Hello, folks!
We go on putting a lot of effort into making the Edge as diverse as possible and working on the improvement of level design. We have already remade the Outpost of the Outcast—and now we want to meet you with the renewed Sculphunters camp, talk about some targeted changes and also show brand new areas.
Hello, friends!
We have already told you a lot about our work on the new interface which will be available in the new build. And today we’d like to share our recent progress with you. We really care about your opinion, so don’t hesitate to leave feedback in the comments!
Hello, friends!
We go on telling you about the changes that await you in the Major Update 0.70—and today we’d like to show you how the process of creating the character will change.
Hello, space cowboys!
As we’ve promised, we’re starting to tell you about the tastiest changes which are waiting for you in the major update 0.70. And the first one is intro cinematic.
Hello, space cowboys!
Since the time we decided to rework our game completely, a lot of changes have already happened. We’ve done a great deal of job with biomes and are filling them with new plants and animals step by step. More and more quests appear in the game and are revealing K’Tharsis and its severe problems.The work on the big location—the town—is also in progress. And today we’d like to announce that the next update will be a MAJOR UPDATE.